
Friday, February 28, 2020

Benefits Of Been A Member of Old Students’ Association Alumni


Benefits Of Been A Member of Old Students’ Association Alumni

Research has revealed that some people resist to belong to their school’s Alumni due to misconceptions they had towards the association. Some of the misconceptions they had are Finance, inferiority complex, ego and superiority complex. However, there are huge benefits that can be derived from been a member of your school Old Students’ Association Alumni, few will be mention and explain in this piece.

Never think that Alumni is meant to extract money and other resources from you or level you with immature individuals rather, records has shown that alumni association is a big asset to members of the association.

Firstly, I want you to know that Alumni is a word used to refers to group of former students of a specific school, college or university, also called Old students’ Association. This association is not only meant for the school’s graduates, it also accommodate those ones that has no privilege to complete their academics in the school. No doubt that a functional Alumni Association benefits both Alma Mater and the Alumnus

Below are major Alumni Benefits You Should Be Taking Advantage Of:
1.       Contact with classmates
2.       A (huge) Network and connectivity
3.       Career Services
4.       Promotion & Advertisement
5.       Financial Assistance
6.       Motivation and Encouragement
7.       Access to desired resources
8.       Socializing
9.       School Stakeholder

Contact with Classmates

Belonging to an alumni association will give you access to connect with former classmates through any medium. Whether this leads to a career opportunity or is simply a chance to catch up with old friends and acquaintances, graduates will benefit from alumni directories and online social media groups that keep the lines of communication open well after the caps and gowns have been removed.

A (huge) Network and connectivity:

Alumni association serves as a platform that connect all former students in which they can link each other to any desired height they wishes.
Thus, Alumni associations are rife with opportunities for expanding a graduate’s professional network. Graduates have the opportunity to network with recent grads as well as graduates several years their senior and these connections can lead to internships, jobs, clients, partnerships and other valuable career opportunities. In addition, having an alma mater in common and being able to network via regular in-person events or online platforms makes it easier to form and maintain these valuable connections.

Career Services

Whether you’re making a career change, positioning yourself for that next promotion, or looking to hire for your own company, your school alumni can help you.
Alumni associations often provide a wealth of career services to help former students find job opportunities and improve their chances of landing a job offer. Career fairs, for example, bring together employers from around the area, and sometimes further, so that graduates can meet company representatives face-to-face. Career counselling, seminars, webinars, and networking events may provide helpful information about the job market. Similarly, an association may offer resume and cover letter assistance to help graduates put their best foot forward.

Promotion & Advertisement

Being a full member of Alumni Association you have the privilege to promote your creatives and brands to target audience.

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Sunday, September 30, 2018

AGS Alumni Pays School Fees of Outstanding Students

An organized young men and women who passed-out from Akute-Asore Grammar school called A.G.S. Alumni, made a landmark move on Friday 21st  of September 2018 by rewarding the most outstanding students in each class for the 2017/2018 academic year.

The A.G.S. Alumni which was coordinated by Mr. Abodunrin Sanmi stormed the school premises with surprise packages for the hardworking students. Mr. Abodunrin expressed the Alumni's delight towards the smooth operation and academicals development of the school, he explained that the Alumni found it deem fit to give back to the school that made them.

Barrister Tobi Ogunleye Esq.(Lawyer) a member of the Alumni(2005 set) highlighted reasons that brought the association of old students (Alumni) of the school to the school during school-session, that they came to pay five most outstanding students school fees and present expensive academic materials to second, third outstanding students, respectively.

Also, some members of the old student association (A.G.S. Alumni) take it upon themselves to reward best students in their favorite subject with precious gift. Ahisu Odunayo personally rewarded best students in Christian Religious Studies (CRS), Master Abdulqudir Readorh rewarded best student in Islamic Religious Studies, Abodunrin Quadri  rewarded students in Mathematics while Adeola Balogun Rukayat rewarded best students in Yoruba language, SS1 and SS2 respectively

View the pictures to see how the atmosphere was

Friday, February 09, 2018


There are libraries popping up around the world where you can see the books breathe.

You can watch the books blink, cry, laugh, and think. You can ask them any sort of question and get a real answer.
It's what the books hope you'll do.

The library desk at the 2015 Roskilde Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark. All images via the Human Library, used with permission.

At the Human Library, the books are people!

It's set up just like a normal library: You check out a "book" on a certain topic and have an allotted amount of time with it. Only at the Human Library, the book is, well, a human.
People who volunteer to become "books" make their experiences open and available, usually on issues that people tend to have a difficult time discussing. "Readers" are encouraged to ask questions freely, and they'll get honest answers in return. It's brilliant.
What kind of books can you borrow there?

1. Borrow a person with autism.

With 1 in 68 kids diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) today, there's no better way to learn about it than by interacting with someone who has it.

2. Borrow someone who has modified their appearance.

Ever make assumptions about people with lots of piercings and tattoos? Here's an opportunity to stop judging a book by its cover and get to know the inside.

3. Borrow a refugee and hear their story.

You've heard about the Syrian refugee crisis in the news. Why not put the media on hold and talk to an actual refugee?

4. Borrow someone who is transgender.

Perhaps you've always had questions about being transgender but didn't know how to ask them. Go ahead. Get your questions ready.

5. Borrow a homeless person.

What stories do they have of a life you may never know?

6. Borrow someone with deaf-blindness.

Just because they communicate differently doesn't mean their stories are less.

7. Borrow someone who is obese.

Society loves to put people in categories. Break through those boundaries to get a fuller picture.

You can borrow a police officer. A veteran with PTSD. A single mom. A Muslim. Someone in a polyamorous relationship. A former gang member. A sex worker. A welfare recipient. A teacher. The list goes on.

The libraries are bringing people who would otherwise never interact together in a way that many communities long for.

That's what Ronni Abergel has sought to do since the library's launch in 2000. During a four-day test run at the Roskilde Festival in Copenhagen, organizers and festival attendees were stunned at the event's impact.
"The policeman sitting there speaking with the graffiti writer. The politician in discussions with the youth activist and the football fan in a deep chat with the feminist. It was a win-win situation and has been ever since," Ronni said on the Human Library's site.

A no-judgment zone is one key to its impact.
"It's meant to be a safe space to ask difficult questions and not to be judged," he told Upworthy. "To try and gain an important insight into the life of someone you think you know something about, but..." 
You don't.
It's been 16 years since that first library event in Denmark. Today, the library has spread to over 70 countries (including the United States!), with openings in South Africa, Sudan, Chile, and Israel planned for 2016.

In our quick-to-judge, increasingly polarized world, it's no wonder these events are growing in size. We need them.

When asked what has changed since these events started, Ronni responded, “The world has changed, for the worse.”
He points to there being less tolerance, less understanding, and less social cohesion than when he first had the idea back in 2000. And unfortunately, he's right.

There's so much to learn about one another. A group of readers here borrowed a nudist.

It's time to face our fears and confront our stereotypes. To embrace the diversity of this world will allow us to feel more secure in it.

"When you meet our books, no matter who you are and where you are from or which book you will be reading, in the end, inside every person, the result will say: we are different from each other, we see things differently and we live life differently. But there are more things that we have in common than are keeping us apart." Truth.

If there's one immediately impactful way to bring communities together, a Human Library might just be it. 

This snapshot from an event at the University of Victoria is a great example of why.
