

Welcome to TERMS OF THE MOMENT page, this will serves as a platform to update you come words that is globally use


Comprises of 12 countries that have adopted the Euro as their national currency is a part of the process towards 'Economic And monetary union' (EMU) under the Maastricht treaty. They are: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Greece.

Eurozone is in the following subject Economics, Politics, & Society ,
Eurozone appears in the definition of the following term: stability and growth pact (SGP) ,



A specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources. Ingeneral, objectives are more specific and easier to measure than goals. Objectives are basic tools that underlie allplanning and strategic activities. They serve as the basis for creating policy and evaluating performance. Some examples of business objectives include minimizing expenses, expanding internationally, or making a profit. Neutral (bias free), relating to, or based on verifiable evidence or facts instead of on attitude, belief, or opinion. Opposite ofsubjective.

objective is in the Decision Making, Problem Solving, & StrategyEntrepreneurship, Management, & Small BusinessInformation & Knowledge Management and Planning & Scheduling subjects.
objective appears in the definitions of the following terms: World Trade Organization (WTO)financial goalsvoice of the customerpension pillar, and construct.


Social Justice

The fair and proper administration of laws conforming to the natural law that all persons, irrespective of ethnic origin,genderpossessions, race, religion, etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice. See also civil rights.
Social justice is in the Corporate, Commercial, & General Law subject.
social justice appears in the definitions of the following terms: social benefit and American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).



The processes and methods used to transform tangible inputs (raw materialssemi-finished goodssubassemblies) and intangible inputs (ideasinformationknowledge) into goods or servicesResources are used in this process tocreate an output that is suitable for use or has exchange value.

production is in the Industries, Manufacturing, & Technology subject.
production appears in the definitions of the following terms: closing down pointtechnology licensinglaw of increasing opportunity costpull, and design for environment.

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