
Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Adojo Edogbo Benjamin

The first AGS Senior Prefect (a.k.a. HEAD-BOY) Mr. Adojo Edogbo Ben exposed the secret of success to the 2013 graduating students of Asore Grammar School at the valedictory service held on Thursday, 22 August 2013 at the school premises.

Mr. Edogbo, who delivered Alumni’s speech at this year valedictory service advised the graduates to be consistent and steadfast in the way of God; disciplined and be role models in their field of endeavor; ready to discover themselves because, that is a strong key of self-actualization and maximizing ones God given potential. 

Breaking News:

The Principal of our noble institute, Mrs. A.O. Abdulquadir has apologized on-behalf of the school management to all 2005, 2009 and 2010 grandaunts respectively for not organizing Valedictory service for them.
A.O. Abdulquadir

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Seven (7) Steps to make sure you phone is Secure

Seven (7) Steps to make sure you phone is Secure

The phrase, ‘to keep the world in your pocket’ has been made literally true with the invention of smartphones. Your smartphone is your world – possessing all the important details and information – if it falls in the hands of wrong people may cost you heavily. Keeping this mammoth of information in your mobile requires alot of care and security to keep the intruders from maneuvering their way into your device.

Follow these simple yet effective steps to beef up the security of your cell phone:

1.    The Lock – Your First Line of Defense
Locking your phone is a very simple act, making it difficult for the intruder to peer into the contents of your phone easily. Yet there are people who are too lazy to bother with it. It is imperative to lock the screens of your phone – behaving as the first layer of defense and obstructing the path of those that do not know the password – the person with malicious intent. Also, make sure to keep a strong password encompassing an alphanumeric password.
2.    Your Phone should be with You
Always keep the phone in close proximity or in front of your eyes. It is the best way to keep your phone safe from being contaminated with any malware or a casual intruder, trying to take a sneak peek into the device. The less you keep your phone away from yourself, the safer it would be. If you leave your phone unattended and away from you; it’s equivalent inviting intruders and hackers.
3.    Don’t Hand Over your Phone to Strangers
This may sound obvious, but giving your phone to a stranger is similar to committing suicide. So, if someone comes over to you and ask for your mobile phone to make an emergency call, avoid giving them the phone, or if you really want to be nice you should dial the number yourself and not give the phone away.

4.    Make sure your Phone is Updated
Never forget to update your phone regularly – ones that cater to the needs of the latest cell phone tracking techniques. So keep in mind to keep your phone up to date and ensure that it has what it takes to tackle the strongest cell phone spyware.

5.    Don’t make your Location Visible
It is recommended that you switch off the GPS or other means of cell phone tracking to avoid making your location visible to strangers. And there are other apps that are following suit and asking for the location of the users. This is one way of ensuring your privacy.

6.    Scan Applications
Make sure that you monitor the “permissions” screen when you’re downloading and installing applications that would help you figure out what the app does in reality. Also try to avoid downloading apps from unreliable sources, and read reviews of every app before you download it.

7.    Don’t open unknown Attachments
Email attachments are one of the major sources of malware. Make a habit of avoiding unknown emails, as there are high chances of having virus in them. Secondly, before downloading attachments, make sure to properly scan them.

Author Bio:
Natalia David has been a regular contributor as tech writer. Her work related to Mobistealth cell phone tracking visit www.mobistealth.com and PC monitoring has received great appreciation from readers. You can also follow her on twitter @NataliaDavid4.