
Friday, June 03, 2016

Do you want to be more Brilliant than your mate? These 5 Smart Tips Will Make You a Brilliant Student

These 5 Smart Tips Will Make You a Brilliant Student

The greatest downfall of many students is that they build their study approach on a shaky and weak foundation of cramming for tests and writing papers over a compressed time period. This is not how the brain works best.

This is not being kind to yourself.

This is gambling with your future instead of taking control of your life. Above all, this is entirely unnecessary.
When you play tennis, a good instructor will tell you to draw your racquet back the moment you see the path of the ball coming toward you — well before the bounce. The player who waits for the ball to bounce before drawing her racquet back will rarely be able to hit an optimal, controlled shot. They will be rushed and out of position.
Similarly, the moment you know when your test dates will occur or when your paper or project will be due you must spring into action and develop a plan. Don't wait for the "ball" to bounce, so to speak.

"Don't rely on your reflexes to kick in. Don't rely on miracles to occur."

Anticipate and visualize how you will attack the challenge WELL IN ADVANCE!

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Tips to Be a Smart Student

There are many wonderful and easy tricks you can apply to stay on track.

1.     Giant Calendar

I like to go old school and advise students to obtain or create a GIANT calendar (the bigger the better) with important dates highlighted clearly. If you have this timeline hanging on your wall where you see it several times a day key priorities tend to stay on the top of your mind.

2.     Daily Discipline

Another key is daily discipline. Every day I advise that you do something to increase your command of your classes.
If you wait for days at a time before engaging with the material the class will become like a stranger to you. And when you finally do engage your mind will feel like starting a cold engine in the dead of winter — painful, slow and filled with apprehension.
By staying engaged with each of your classes constantly your mental gears will stay well lubricated and you will be less inclined to procrastinate and ultimately cram.

3.     Start Early

Perhaps one of the most effective strategies is to schedule time to review your notes, starting from the beginning of the term / semester. This is a great activity on days when you would otherwise do nothing for a given course due to a long break between classes or obligations.

4.     Repetition

Best of all, this repetitive review of the key concepts in each class is an amazing and practically effortless memory activator.
If you want to take it to the next level develop your own simple test questions around your notes.

5.     Active Recall

Using "active recall" by answering these test questions later will massively enhance your memory as well. The information becomes "sticky" and practically impossible to forget.
Those who pursue their university studies with that level of control have much more fun and a far better grade point average.

What Next?
Do you agree to these 5 Smart Tips? Then Like This Post (in Facebook).

This post was written by Gunnar Fox – Author of University Success Plan.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

FG scraps post UTME, Pegs Jamb-Admission cut-off at 180

The Federal Government Thursday (1st June, 2016) scrapped the conduct of post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) for candidates seeking admission into higher institution.
The government explained that all tertiary institutions were at liberty to conduct screening for candidates seeking admission into any school.

Thenationonlineng reported that Minister of Education, Mallam Adamu Adamu, said this on Thursday in Abuja after declaring open the 2016 Combined Policy Meeting on Admissions to Universities, Polytechnics and other higher institutions in Nigeria.

JAMB’s Registrar and Chief Executive Officer, Prof. Dibu Ojerinde, after a long debate with delegates from various institutions, told journalists that no institution would go below the 180 cut-off set by the board.
He said: “180 is given, no institution will go below 180 this year, And some universities can go above it, I know University of Ife will not go below 200 and University of Lagos will not go below 200 and also UI. All these ones stand but 180 as bench mark for others.

“This year we have more than enough candidates, we have over 1.5 million candidates so we will get enough candidates to take in all the schools if they are serious. Re-distribution is already ongoing, because it is embedded in the registration procedure.”

Click the below link to read more
