
Sunday, November 06, 2011



Eid al Kabir
  • known as Eid al-Adha elsewhere,
  •  popularly called ILEYA festival by Yourba people of South-western Nigeria; West Africa), or
  • Internationally known as  "Festival of Sacrifice",
  • is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide to
  • commemorate the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his son Ishmael (Isma'il)
  • as an act of obedience to God, before
  • God intervened to provide him with a ram to sacrifice instead.
  • A ram, goat, sheep, cow or camel is sacrificed, with the family eating part of the animal and donating the rest to the poor.
  • The festival is celebrated on the tenth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the last month in the Islamic calendar.


What is Eid al-Adha?
(Festival of Sacrifice) One of the two main Islamic festivals (the other is 'Id al-Fitr), this festival falls on the 10th day of the lunar month of Zul-Hijja and is the concluding act of pilgrimage to Makkah. In commemoration of Abraham's faith, sheep, goats and camels are offered to God, and the meat is distributed to the poor and needy. 'Id al-Adha is observed whether or not one is on pilgrimage.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Managing & Maintaining Your Personal Computer: A+ Guide

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A+ Guide to Managing & Maintaining Your PC
Written by best-selling PC repair author and educator Jean Andrews, the seventh edition of A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC maps fully to CompTIA's 2009 A+ Exam objectives. This full-color guide is the most complete, step-by-step book available for learning the fundamentals of supp...orting and troubleshooting computer hardware and software. At the same time, it prepares readers to successfully pass the A+ 220-701 and 220-702 exams. The new edition is formatted to support any learning style and course format, featuring an essentials-to-practical organization within each chapter. Tabs distinguishing exam content provide easy reference. Further content and live demonstrations with Jean Andrews are available on the accompanying CD, making this new edition a total solution for PC repair.

Monday, July 04, 2011


Respect: The 2011 set shows the act of Appreciation to Mrs. Abdulqudir, AGS Principal @ 2011 V.S.

"There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in - that we do it to God, and that's why we try to do it as beautifully as possible." - Mother Teresa

"We are more thoroughly an enlightened people, with respect to our political interests, than perhaps any other under heaven. Every man among us reads, and is so easy in his circumstances as to have leisure for conversations of improvement and for acquiring information." added by  Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HOW TO Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae

HOW TO Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae
The curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as a CV, Vita,
or Vitae, is a detailed biographical description of one’s
educational and work background. It differs from a
résumé, a one-page description of one’s work experience
and educational backg
round not only in length but also in
detail. The origin of the term curriculum vitae is Latin
and means “the course of one’s life or career.” As such, a
CV includes detailed information regarding one’s academic
coursework, professional experience, publications,
and so on....

A History of Nigeria

A History of Nigeria - By Toyin Falola and Matthew Heaton

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Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and the world’s eighth largest oil producer, but its success has been undermined in recent decades by ethnic and religious conflict, political instability, rampant official corruption, and an ailing economy.
Toyin Falola, a leading historian intimately acquainted with the region, and Matthew Heaton, who has worked extensively on African science and culture, combine their expertise to explain the context to Nigeria’s recent troubles, through an exploration of its pre-colonial and
colonial past and its journey from independence to statehood. By examining key themes such as colonialism, religion, slavery, nationalism, and the economy, the authors show how Nigeria’s history has been swayed by the vicissitudes of the world around it, and how Nigerians have adapted to meet these challenges. This book offers a unique portrayal of a resilient people living in a country with immense, but unrealized, potential.


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An Introduction
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Saturday, April 09, 2011

How To Set Goals and Stay Motivated

By Chloe Jones

You will never get goals complete if you procrastinate.- Ahisu O.
Setting goals is the key to accomplishing anything, but setting goals is not enough. Unless you stick to your goals and successfully complete them, they really are useless. Along with setting goals you need motivation. Everyone needs motivation to help them get through each step toward their goal and to be a success.
To begin, you must look at the big picture and decide what you want to achieve. Write down a clear definition of your goal. A well defined goal will help you organize your time. Once you have what your goal is in mind, you can now break your goal down into smaller goals and steps.
Make a list of all the steps involved in completing your goal. Each step that you must complete to move you toward your goal is a smaller goal. Write down what resources you have and what ones you will need. Be realistic when setting your big picture goal and your smaller goals. You are one person and have a lot going on in your life, so don't stress yourself by trying to complete everything in a short amount of time.
Goals should always be within your skills, but should also be challenging. Challenging goals will help motivate you through all the steps to achieve success. Be flexible with goals and yourself. Life is not simple and things will come up, so there is nothing wrong with being flexible.
Stay on track. If you have set a 10:00 on Monday deadline to complete a step toward your goal, be sure to stick to that deadline. Set aside time to work on your goal and set reminders to remind you to work on it. Get it done now. Don't wait or put it off, you will never get goals complete if you procrastinate.
Make a list of any obstacles that may get in your way of successfully completing a goal. Then write down how you can overcome those obstacles.
How goals are set is important. You need to be clear on your main goal, be organized; know the steps involved and be committed to successfully completing your goal. Successful completion of a goal takes motivation. Staying motivated will insure your success in completing a goal.
Attitude is very important to stay positive and to stay motivated. A good, I can do it attitude helps motivate you to completing your goal. When you complete one of the steps toward a goal, reward yourself. A reward will help you stay motivated. You'll be motivated to get the next step done and receive the next reward.
Goals and motivation are life partners. Just picture your goal completed and with a good attitude and lots of motivation, your goal will be a reality.

How To Set Goals and Stay Motivated

Setting goals is the key to accomplishing anything, but setting goals is not enough. Unless you stick to your goals and successfully complete them, they really are useless. Along with setting goals you need motivation. Everyone needs motivation to help them get through each step toward their goal and to be a success.
To begin, you must look at the big picture and decide what you want to achieve. Write down a clear definition of your goal. A well defined goal will help you organize your time. Once you have what your goal is in mind, you can now break your goal down into smaller goals and steps.
Make a list of all the steps involved in completing your goal. Each step that you must complete to move you toward your goal is a smaller goal. Write down what resources you have and what ones you will need. Be realistic when setting your big picture goal and your smaller goals. You are one person and have a lot going on in your life, so don't stress yourself by trying to complete everything in a short amount of time.
Goals should always be within your skills, but should also be challenging. Challenging goals will help motivate you through all the steps to achieve success. Be flexible with goals and yourself. Life is not simple and things will come up, so there is nothing wrong with being flexible.
Stay on track. If you have set a 10:00 on Monday deadline to complete a step toward your goal, be sure to stick to that deadline. Set aside time to work on your goal and set reminders to remind you to work on it. Get it done now. Don't wait or put it off, you will never get goals complete if you procrastinate.
Make a list of any obstacles that may get in your way of successfully completing a goal. Then write down how you can overcome those obstacles.
How goals are set is important. You need to be clear on your main goal, be organized; know the steps involved and be committed to successfully completing your goal. Successful completion of a goal takes motivation. Staying motivated will insure your success in completing a goal.
Attitude is very important to stay positive and to stay motivated. A good, I can do it attitude helps motivate you to completing your goal. When you complete one of the steps toward a goal, reward yourself. A reward will help you stay motivated. You'll be motivated to get the next step done and receive the next reward.
Goals and motivation are life partners. Just picture your goal completed and with a good attitude and lots of motivation, your goal will be a reality.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

How To Utilize the Positive Power of Thinking

Utilize the Positive Power of Thinking

Everyone has times in their lives when things just don’t go as planned.  This can cause one to be discouraged and even depressed.  Even though it is hard to ‘look on the bright side’, this is exactly what needs to be done. With every negative situation out there, there is always a way to bring positive power and energies to the moment.  A positive attitude is important for one’s well-being and health.   
Take the recent economy for example.  A lot of people are losing their jobs.  Each of these people is in competition with each other to find another job.  Remind yourself of your strengths and build on them.  Appear happy and confident.  Keeping a positive attitude will do wonders during the interview and may end up with you getting a second interview or better yet, the job. Losing a job is not the most ideal thing to have happen, yet it gives many people new opportunities.  Some people try things they have been putting off for a long time, some people change to a new career, some go back to school, and some even relocate to an area they have always wanted to travel to.   
Consider the child trying out for the high school sports team.  Everyone wants to make the team.  A positive attitude reinforces in your mind that you are a good athlete and good at what you do.  Let that spirit shine as you try out for the team.  It is important to continuously play over and over in your mind what your capabilities are.  Take, for instance, the child who is trying out for the track team and wants to be a hurdler.  He knows he can do it but there is stiff competition out there for a spot on the team.  One way to erase that doubt is by continuously going over and over in his head the process of hurdle jumping.  Picturing himself jumping hurdles in a positive light will give him the confidence he needs to make it.   
A more serious example would be those afflicted with sickness and disease.  Health problems, especially those in which you have no control, can bring people down.  Learning to deal with your sickness in a positive way can help not only you but your loved ones as well.  It is hard to think positively in a situation like this, because sometimes this can be a life and death situation.  Even so, finding a positive attitude and strong faith are all you need to move ahead.  Some people realize that life is short, and they try to fix bad relationships, they tend to become thankful for what they have, or they find a way to make their negative experience a positive power source for someone else.

ou� � r � � �� ending on the load of your studying. As a general rule, allot at least one hour per subject. If you have a broad subject such as world history, then you need to break it up into smaller chunks such as the renaissance period or the Chinese dynasties. By breaking it up in smaller chunks, you can easily assess how long you need for each topic and at the same time, you can easily cross out items that you are done with, giving you a sense of accomplishment.
  • Scheduling milestones and breaks. When you have listed all of your tasks and plotted a schedule, insert study breaks of 15 minutes each every two hours or so. This will give your eyes some time to rest and for you to go on bathroom breaks or coffee breaks. By having scheduled breaks, this will minimize the need for you to interrupt yourself any other time during the study session.
  • Prioritizing your tasks. Just in case you run out of time to study or if you think you do not have enough time to cover all topics, then you must learn to prioritize the subjects accordingly. For example, if you know the emphasis of an upcoming test is the Roman Empire, then study it first and just allot smaller portions for the other sections of the topic.
  • Double checking what you know. If you can find a way to test your knowledge, either through online quizzes or by having a study partner, then by all means test your knowledge early. You can also double check your facts by logging into the Internet but be warned, the lure of distractions in the Internet is huge so it is best to save this option for last.

The important thing to efficient studying is the proper scheduling of tasks and your strict compliance to it so that the schedule not only looks good on paper, but works as well.


See who are the gearhead in the preparation of AGS 10th anniversary