
Saturday, April 09, 2011

How To Set Goals and Stay Motivated

By Chloe Jones

You will never get goals complete if you procrastinate.- Ahisu O.
Setting goals is the key to accomplishing anything, but setting goals is not enough. Unless you stick to your goals and successfully complete them, they really are useless. Along with setting goals you need motivation. Everyone needs motivation to help them get through each step toward their goal and to be a success.
To begin, you must look at the big picture and decide what you want to achieve. Write down a clear definition of your goal. A well defined goal will help you organize your time. Once you have what your goal is in mind, you can now break your goal down into smaller goals and steps.
Make a list of all the steps involved in completing your goal. Each step that you must complete to move you toward your goal is a smaller goal. Write down what resources you have and what ones you will need. Be realistic when setting your big picture goal and your smaller goals. You are one person and have a lot going on in your life, so don't stress yourself by trying to complete everything in a short amount of time.
Goals should always be within your skills, but should also be challenging. Challenging goals will help motivate you through all the steps to achieve success. Be flexible with goals and yourself. Life is not simple and things will come up, so there is nothing wrong with being flexible.
Stay on track. If you have set a 10:00 on Monday deadline to complete a step toward your goal, be sure to stick to that deadline. Set aside time to work on your goal and set reminders to remind you to work on it. Get it done now. Don't wait or put it off, you will never get goals complete if you procrastinate.
Make a list of any obstacles that may get in your way of successfully completing a goal. Then write down how you can overcome those obstacles.
How goals are set is important. You need to be clear on your main goal, be organized; know the steps involved and be committed to successfully completing your goal. Successful completion of a goal takes motivation. Staying motivated will insure your success in completing a goal.
Attitude is very important to stay positive and to stay motivated. A good, I can do it attitude helps motivate you to completing your goal. When you complete one of the steps toward a goal, reward yourself. A reward will help you stay motivated. You'll be motivated to get the next step done and receive the next reward.
Goals and motivation are life partners. Just picture your goal completed and with a good attitude and lots of motivation, your goal will be a reality.

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